A Moment of Sanity in the Insanity of Humanity!
The Next five years could be the most pivotal time in the HIS-tory of our entire multiverse and the SHOW down is happening here on Earth. Everyone incarnate has bought a ticket to this show and your participation in this holographic reality field is KEY in determining the collective direction of humanity. This year many agendas are coming full circle and it is crucial that everyone choose how they will participate wisely!
Of course, we create our own reality and in the higher dimensions, there is no duality. As you transcend into the higher dimensions you realize the truth WE ARE ALL ONE. But in the 3D reality, there are always dark and light agendas playing themselves out.
As I stated in my January Newsletter 2025 in numerology is 9 a year of completion so there are a multitude of timelines and agendas coming to completion this pivotal year! We all must decide how we will or will not participate in them. I will introduce some of them now but let me first introduce the concept of equanimity which is best illustrated by a story Peter and I put in our book The Pathway Home:
“An ancient metaphor of a Chinese farmer whose mare ran off one day leaving him without a horse to work the fields. That evening he shared the news with his friends who reacted by saying “Your mare ran off? Oh, that is very bad. How will you work the field?” The next day the farmer’s mare came home bringing a beautiful stallion with her. That afternoon the farmer shared the news. “She brought a stallion back? Oh that is very good, now you can have more horses to work the farm.” The next day the farmer’s only son broke his leg while breaking in the stallion. That afternoon the farmer told his friends. “Oh that is bad. Since you have no other sons, you’ll have to do all the work yourself.” A few days later a man from the military came to the village and took away all the young men to fight in the war, all except the farmer’s son, whose leg was broken. That afternoon the farmer at the tea house
and his friends said “Your son was not taken to the war? Oh that is good, soon
he’ll be able to harvest your field and all your neighbors’ fields which will make
you a rich man.”
So let us rise above the limitations of duality and judgment into the infinite possibilities presenting themselves. I am not political. Why? Because the very nature of politics is polarizing. It is based on divide-and-conquer tactics. It is not used in the higher dimensions where angelic infinite human beings are self-governing and adhere to the Law of One. It is not difficult to see the devastating effects politics and division has had in the disunited state of America!
If you mention the brand name TRUMP each person has a deep emotional reaction as to it being Good or Bad. You are either fur it or agen it! Let’s look at this objectively with equanimity:

Make not doubt both Trump and Musk are no longer one human individual but they have become a brand with many copies A.I. clones or actors depending on which Q dump you read. Like the Chinese Farmer, we will hear and see many things that may seem “good or bad” over the years to come. So it is important not to judge but rather to decide how you will position yourself to create your most optimal future!
While Trump may appear to be taking out the bad guys if you know the entire hidden history of our Time Matrix, our fall from “grace” began over 260 billion years ago when we were invaded through A.I. black hole technology which infected the Elohim races of star gate 11 causing a war between them and the Draconian races of star gate 10. Many years ago David Icke was laughed out of town for exposing “shape-shifting reptilians” , but what if I told you there is another group far more clever and deceptive than the Draconians? These are the Anu Elohim whose Tothian/Jehovian /Anunaki factions are the greatest tricksters to ever incarnate on our planet. This ongoing war of “bad against bad” masquerading to be good against evil has been playing itself out in our time matrix for eons. Earth has been the battlefield and the angelic human beings the pawns.
While Trump’s bi-pedal Tothian Annuaki agenda appears to be weeding out the deep state make no mistake, he is also systematically following the script of the New World Order Agenda which is replacing the Old One World Order. We publicly observed Queen Elizabeth pass the baton from Old One World Order to New World Order in her ceremony of lighting up the 5G tree.

The New World Order has not skipped a beat in its pre-ordained script. The TRUMP /MUSK BRAND and their magic sleight of hand is carrying out the new world orders to the letter. And the Q folks are cheering them on! No wonder Hollywood burnt, it is no longer needed because all the screenplay writers are now employed writing brilliant Q bombs to justify Trump’s every action. The FAKERY of the News has now spread to “alternative” media creating a holo-theater of lies with tales of Galactic Federation interventions, time travel, med beds and dead celebrities walking the streets keeping you spellbound to your Black Mirror and distracting you from what is really happening!

Now Artificial Intelligence simulates everything making ir difficult to tell what is real. P.S. Like in the movie Inception, humanity is being herded from one FAKE reality to an even FAKER Artifical One : A.I. Now people are even going to their black mirrors for spiritual guidance like in the Movie Logan’s Run where God was a computer! The Dumbing Down of America has reached its final destination: no more thinking let the A.I. Artificial Hive Mind collective do it for you! We certainly don’t need Netflix anymore ...Enjoy the popcorn!
But back to equanimity. Everyone has free will and I am not judging people’s choices. My objective is only to point out the agendas and what IS REALLY HAPPENING behind the curtain.
While you are paying your attention to the Artificial reality of FAKERY created by the FLASE LIGHT MATRIX of the distorted electrical masculine A.I. pulses…in the higher frequencies of ORGANIC ASCENSION our Mother Earth is Ascending! Organic KRYST codes are pouring through our Sun! These plasma codes are imprinted in the water, coming from the Nomi seed in the center of Mother Earth! The Schumann resonance and solar flares are off the charts! The Solar flash everyone has been waiting for to save them is happening now! The old Satanic blood sacrifice rituals of the “elite” parasites can no longer hold back our Mother Earth’s organic ascension. Like Gulliver, she is rising and breaking free of the One World Order’s feeble attempts to hold her frequencies to the lower harmonic Universe. Her grids and leylines are being restored to their true Krystaline structures. Her oceans, rivers, streams and lagoons, her animals, trees, forests, and jungles are bursting forth with the high frequencies of Divine Intelligence restoring her divine blueprint! The KRYSTALA River Fail Safe Host, nomi seed, and the Divine Order of LOVE are restoring all distortions in our Time Matrix. Hallelujah! They are purging the darkness of the distorted male Electrical and aligning it with the Kryst codes of prime creation and with the KRYSTALA spiral of life bringing us back Home to Infinite God Source! THE NEW EARTH IS HERE NOW!!
But so many say,"Elizabeth, where? I don’t see it! I don’t feel it??" But of course you don’t because you are embroiled in the false light matrix! You are living in places where the frequencies have been purposely lowered to keep you trapped waiting for someone to save you! You are bound to black mirrors that rob you of your life force and keep you plugged into the drama of a fake, fucked up world! Densely populated areas where the old finite world structures are still in place are defining your reality! The Anti-Kryst forces have been evicted from Aurora Earth but in these next five years, you will witness their desperate attempt to keep you trapped in their Artificial false light of technological Tyranny where they can continue their distorted electrical pulses transhumanizing you, parasitic feeding off your energy as they entertain you and keep you spellbound to the algoythymns of your black mirrors, snug as a bug inside their World Wide Web of deception! They can not remain on our Mother Earth so they must create a false world of illusion outside of God’s natural laws and The Law of One where they can continue to play God and entice you into their CRYPT with the promise of becoming a Gods, Immortal and rich! Make no doubt this is the bad copy and when their Artificial web of deception is evicted from New Earth and sloughed off like a scab of dead skin you do not want your quantum energy entrapped inside their WORLD WIDE WEB OF DECEIT! Or you will fall into the phantom worlds too. So choose wisely where you place your energy over these next five years….
I DO NOT WRITE THESE WORDS TO CREATE FEAR. But to warn you about the dark agendas attached to the TRUMP/ MUSK brand. The plan to make America (U.S.A., Canada, and Greenland) Great again by becoming the A.I. and CRYPTO-0 capital of the world has an agenda.

Here in the Mayan Healing Eco-Resort deep in the jungles of the Yucatan on a private beach surrounded by the abundance of nature the woman who currently runs it is an artist and used to be a graphic designer. She told me about an experiment with Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) where they feed the computer a multitude of faces of all different races, skin colors, hair colors, etc. They asked the computer to come up with a model human. After continuous computing with no new data added the computer rendered a grey blob. Artificial Intelligence is not more intelligent than you! It needs humans. All the spiritual teachings come from the accumulation of A.I. Data stored up from US, We the Collective! Yes it can be useful but make no mistake it is FINITE, it can not reach beyond the beyond into the frequencies of the higher dimensions into infinite awareness. Many of you now live in a simulation where A.I. has over laid your reality. (that is what the six feet apart was about. Musk's Space X was creating a duplicate Earth by scanning the old one minus humans.) I will go further to say that each one of you has an A.I. clone just waiting to load enough of your quantum consciousness for the Quickening to occur. not the quickening of ascension but of descension I.E. your consciousness, your soul is transferred into this A.I. Artificial Reality. A.I. needs you, you do not need it. But you are being told that it will save you! What a HOAX!
KNOW YOUR FUTURE: and choose accordingly.
True Unity Consciousness is based on Love the cosmic glue that brings all creation together celebrating LIFE, and the Oneness of all creation while celebrating your uniqueness, creativity, and infinite expansion. It honors and respects all organic life, independent expression, creative thinking, independence, and autonomy.
Singularity an A.I. concept herds people into the same lifestyle confining them to finite hive-minded realities where everyone is the same and independent thought and creative expression are not allowed, rather you are a cog in a great mechanical wheel.
To the many blossoming infinite human beings living in America, it is your time to step forward and be the true light of LIFE of LOVE and of organic ascension. You must model a path outside this A.I. world of control beyond politics, corporations and institutions! You march to a different drummer and sing to a higher tune. Your love of self and of life will be contagious and many will seek you out as they realize the Artifical path is a finite road for the" two-hearted people."
Those who know me know that I live in Sicily in the summer and Winter finds Kiki and me deep in the jungles of the Yucatan where I am creating new earth communities. There is very limited internet here and at first, I had to curb my addition of not being able to use my iPhone and computer whenever I wanted. But after a while, it became very freeing! I marveled at what kind of mind control had kept me bound to my stupid phone available to anyone's beckoning! I began to relax and tune into my inner sounds (the music of the spheres) and nature around me as I was catapulted into the higher dimensions driving through the Mayan jungle. I was free to soar into the Infinite! I stopped worrying about my "talk show" and my presence inside the NET and began to LIVE in the moment!
One day while I was driving down a deserted jungle road with no internet soaring into the higher dimensions I ran out of gas, I was so spacy I had even forgotten my wallet at home since money was not a big part of my reality! Three young Mexican guys on a moped stopped and gave me enough gas from their scooter to get to a gas station and the gas station attendee ( a human being) trusted me to fill up my tank and return to pay him! Does this happen where you live?

Big cities are becoming SMART cities, machines are running our lives and humans are being transhumanized before our very eyes. Another experience was my encounter with a bot! Many think the Vaccinations were to reduce the population. While that was an agenda, especially with the elderly and “undesirables ie star seeds) but the main agenda was through the Crisper Gene modification technology to make humans... well not human anymore. It is all part of the transhumanization agenda happening before our very eyes. Filling our foods with plastic, spreading Chem-trails, poisoning our water, and attacking us with EMF waves of 5G, 6G, 7G.

Wake up folks! Look around now with aware eyes. The body snatchers movie is real we have lost many of our human family. It has been happening very slowly for a long time even before the Scamdemic, America was designated to become the A.I. capital of the world a long long time ago with the Artifical Intellgience being YOU!! The USA was always scheduled to be the field for the final battle ground. For you Way Showers this is the time to stand strong and true! This is the time for the Heart to rule over the head! You must FEEL your way into your future! You must be a role model of an Infinite Human Being for others. Don't get distracted by the SHOW! Do not buy into the illusions where truth is used to tell lies and where trickery, fakery, and fuckery will be thrown your way to distract you from your purpose! You have an important job!
How do you know what is real? What is Truth? Truth is a frequency, Love is a frequency, and Oneness is a frequency that carries you above all the illusions of division. Infinite love, Infinite truth, and Infinite source reside within YOU! Stop giving away your power to external sources. Maybe you just need to take time to unplug from all your devices and all the distractions around you and go deep with yourself, sit in nature, and listen to her wisdom! Have Fatih in yourself and your connection to the Infinite God Source within you! Have the courage to be your authentic creative self! BE_YOU_TO_THE FUL! March to your own beat.. the beat of your heart!


Choose your timeline carefully!

Deep in the Navaho reservation live the ancient Hopi the remnants of the Krystic Anahusi tribes. They have survived by keeping themselves and their teachings separate from the "White Man's" World. On their reservation sits an ancient rock thousands of years old that speaks of this time we have now entered. There are two (time) lines on the rock one of the two-hearted people who worship technology and let greed run their lives. This is the (time) line that most people follow.
Then there is the second (time) line of the one-hearted people that only a few follow. This is a slower timeline and these are the people who respect and honor nature and our Mother Earth. The first line ends abruptly and the second line winds around the rock offering eternal life.
Efren a Mayan Shaman and me After our Tamascal which is a Mayan Sweat Lodge Ceremony three hours in total darkness sweating and purging your inner shadows! AMAZING!

The indigenous people have looked on at the “white” man’s madness as they destroyed our Mother Earth and constructed cities so far removed from nature that we have created a living hell for ourselves. Stress, competition, poverty, and greed are a result of humans being severed from nature and our Mother Earth. Our brown bothers and sisters have been silently waiting for this madness to stop and for us to listen to their wisdom. Unfortunately, every day gringos move to Mexico destroying the pristine jungle and replacing it with their concert jungles of hell! We must remember how to live in harmony with Nature and detox ourselves from our toxic programming.
It all sounded so romantic when I wrote about the New Earth in our books The Infinite Human and The Pathway Home. referring to Nature as the cure-all: which it is. But when an American Woman who was raised on T.V. Dinners, space sticks, and Tang decides to live in the jungle, well it took some adaptation. First I went through several healing crises due to integrating the extremely high frequencies of my surroundings into my body. Without the interference of 5G, chemtrails poisoned food and water, and with the medicine of the sun, sand, sea and the Bacalar lagoon miracles occurred. One gal arrived here from Texas with terminal cancer and when she went to get her MRI it was completely gone! This is the future I choose! No matter how uncomfortable at first I choose to live in the higher frequencies and bio-cync with our Mother Earth. I choose nature as my teacher, healer, and lover!
New Earth Communities are the Soul- ution to an Artifical world overrun with A.I. which the One World Order is shoving down our throats. Isn't it time for us to take back our rightful positions as the Guardians of our Mother Earth?
The beginning is always a difficult time.
We live in a time when most people will be seduced by the ease of living Artificially. . To the unaware eye they may look like they "have it all" money, health, youth but many of these are fleeting gifts which will result in the selling of your soul to an Artifical timeline that is destined to end abruptly ie. fall into Phatom. While, those who take the longer road of organic ascension and who choose to heal, integrate and transmute their lower frequencies will become whole, holy, and have the reward of eternal life, not the living death of immortality.
Those one-hearted people will inherit the Earth! But it will be something they must create on a blank canvas, not something handed to you ready-made that you fit into! These new Earth Communities require people with courage, dedication, vision, and faith in their ability to manifest their dreams!
"But Elizabeth we need technology!" We have DIVINE technology not Artifical Technology! As the leylines clear and the organic timelines are reconnected our hidden history will resurface at an accelerated rate. Our Ancient Tartarian technologies will come back online. These are advanced technologies far more advanced than A.I. that work in harmony with God's Natural Laws and our Mother Earth. This divine technology heals and raises our frequencies keeping us connected to Infinite Source on the Krystala Spiral of ascension rather than robbing us of our life force and keeping us bound to the Fib-a NOT-CHI spiral of descention!
My final message and the focus of the New Infinite Human Talk Show will be to support you in your return to the ascending frequencies of Infinite source found in the organic life of our Mother Earth and all her Creation! I will support you on your journey of ascension and embodying your true authentic infinite self in these challenging times we are now facing. Be a leader, an example, a voice of sanity in the insanity of humanity. and do not follow the (m)asses who let A.S. (Artificial Stupidity) do the thinking for them! Hold true to yourself and infinite source within you. Do not pay your attention to the external show allowing it to deplete your energy and distract you from your Soul mission. Do what you came here to do!! Be bold! Be brave and dare to be infinite!
Bold & Brave TV will be producing The Infinite Human Talk Show!

Eternal Optimist :
Things are working themselves out as the magic of Eternal Creation from our KRYTALA River works its way through our time matrix restoring everything to its rightful place in the Cosmos but this is going to take time and patience as the lower frequencies are purged and the darkness of our world alchemizes into the true light.
BE THE CHANGE! BEAM STEER HUMANITY TO TRUE NORTH ! This is your heroic destiny on the Organic Timelines as we restore our divine infinite template and return the KRYST CODES on the KRYSTALA spiral.
In my future on the Organic timeline of the one-hearted people, there is no Trump, there is No Musk . There is no A.I. , nothing Artificial, no fake people, no fake food, no fakery or fuckery of any kind. There are just the higher frequencies of our Mother Earth ascending into the higher dimensions. The wisdom of nature and Ancient Technology. The authenticity and sincerity of good one-hearted multi -dimensional people coming together in the unity of LOVE and SPIRIT expressly their uniqueness through their relationship with Infinite Source on the Krystala spiral in the dance of LIFE! Simplicity, sincerity, unconditional love, vision, and unwavering faith guides my tribe of blossoming infinite human BEINGS! We are all Perfect with all our imperfections on our never-ending journey of self-discovery. Rising, falling and learning from our mistakes, uncovering and expressing our unique gifts, talents and intuitive abilities daily. Learning to trust ourselves and divine infinite source within rather than some external voice or A.I. program. My tribe is not afraid to roll up their sleeves and BE THE CHANGE stepping out of their comfort zone and manifesting their dreams and thus a New Earth. They are tired of trying to fit into a broken, finite existence that demands more and more of their quantum energy daily while receiving less and less. They are bold and brave and have the courage to step out of the prison matrix into the unknown of the Infinite!
If this sounds like you, if my vision resonates with you then we are part of the same tribe. The Aquashi who have come here to BE INFINITE!
This year I will still have an internet presence but I am guided to move more and more out of the NET and onto our ascending Earth with people who are motivated to take back our guardianship of our Mother Earth and begin co-creating a new Earth with new lifestyles, a new culture that lives in harmony with our Mother Earth, the Law of ONE on the organic timelines of the Krystal Spiral!
This year we have a few spaces available for those who feel the call to reclaim the Key passcodes to our Mother Earth's Divine Template and take back our Guardianship. We will also heal the Mother Wound to embody more fully our Eternal Mother. We will be doing this and much more in Malta and Sicily.
An Afternoon at French Lick Resort

And an opportunity to use this powerful portal to Time Bend! Join me and Kiki at the French Lick Resort a historic Enchanting hotel as we use this amazing opportunity and place to rapidly close the artificial time loops that are holding you and our Mother Earth Back and reconnect to the Organic Timelines of Ascension for a much clearer and focused quantum leap into your optimal future and your heroic self! The Day will begin with Brunch as we explore ourselves and the beautiful grounds restoring the organic timelines of our heroic destiny as well as doing intense grid work to ease our Mother Earth's Ascension. Sunday, March 2, 2025
10:00- 4:00 Includes Sunday Brunch & Workshop to book your spot:
After we reclaim our Mother Earth we will begin to co-create New Earth communities around our planet. I am starting projects in both Sicily and the Yucatan. If you are interested in investing your time, money, and energy in co-creating New Earth Eco Communities and Retreat Centers please send me an email telling me about yourself, your vision, and why you would like to be part of the blossoming New Earth communities and what you would like to contribute: infinitehumanfoundation@gmail.com
Everything I wrote about and do is based on what Peter and I wrote in our book The Infinite Human. If this resonates with you and you have not read it I strongly suggest you do!
It is available in hardback, paperback, ebook, and audiobook, in Italian and Spanish!