Feeling gratitude is the fastest way to soar into the higher frequencies. When ever you feel “down”, take a moment to be grateful for even the smallest things in your life. I know we are in very challenging times! Many of you are experiencing physical, emotional, mental spiritual, financial and social challenges daily. Many of you have health issues, feel alone, isolated, impoverished, mis understood, unloved and even at times abandoned! But KNOW you are so deeply loved and vital to the role of co creating a new earth! It is finally YOUR time! Your time has come to BE THE CHANGE, for the last to be first and the last, for the black sheep to lead the herd and the Lone Wolves to lead the pack the mis fits to stop trying to "Fit" into a broken world and co-create a new one!
And so many of you have, despite your personal challenges risen to this challenge! You have and heeded THE CALL!! And for that I am grateful!!We are the few, becoming, the many and this is just the beginning! We the "meek" divine feminine spirit will inherit the Earth! and make it a place we want to LIVE!!!🥳🥳🥳
KIKI and I THANK YOU OUR AWAKENING INFINITE HUMAN FAMILY! WE ARE THE CHANGE! WE ARE THE CO CREATOR’S OF THE NEW 5D EARTH BASED ON LOVE, HARMONY, UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS AND TRUTH! We are the infinite ones who have the courage to think outside the box, to awaken from the dream spell and step outside the boundaries and into our infinite human shoes, embrace our unique divine soul missions and BE THE LEADERS, the pathway out of the crumbling finite 3D systems into the freedom of the 5D timeline! We are the leaders who will inspire others leaders !
On our book tour around the USA Kiki and I have had the honor of encountering many of you great souls! Many of you who still have no idea of how powerful, BE-YOU-TO-THE- FUL you trully are and how important your role is as a divine puzel piece in the laying of the foundation of the New 5D Earth!💕💕💕💕
THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!!! (And Kiki thanks you too!)
(The True Story)
While on my book tour I had the opportunity to visit Jamestown, Virginia the first Permanent English Settlement and touted as the Birth Place of America! Since my book The Infinite Human is about exposing the True hidden history of our planet so history will stop repeating itself and we can be the ones that CHANGE it…I will dispel with the myth of “pilgrims and Indians” eating turkey together on the first THANKSGIVING.
The truth is that America was founded by a CORPORATION The Virginia Company created by English Lords serving under King James, the same King James who “rewrote” the Bible. The first there ships were not the Nina, Pina and Santa Maria filled with pilgrims but perhaps pirate ships, would better describe them, filled with 106 men and boys. Fifty of those were “nobles” seeking to increase their wealth and power and the rest sailors, many poor homeless desperate boys, exploited by the crown. They set on December 6, 1606 and arrived in May. They landed on the hunting grounds of 6 Native American Tribes. Although at first they were attacked by the natives for taking their food source, the Powhatan people eventually took pity on these sick, dying and helpless men who could not take care of themselves. Wahunsenaca Chief of Powhatan sent his daughter Pocahontas to bring them food and herbs to heal them and help them survive. So what do you think they did to express their gratitude? You would think they embraced their Native American brothers and sisters and learned how to live in harmony with the land, plant crops and share their food with those who had saved their lives? But the corporation had another agenda.As soon as they were able they spent their time planting tobacco a cash crop to turn a profit for the corporation and then to further their greed for high profits they brought in the first slaves from Africa. Then they kidnapped Pocahontas and killed her husband. They forced her to become “Christian” and marry an Englishman, then shipped her off to England where she died one year latter. Matoaka was her real name which meant "flower between two streams.” She like so many star seeds had her loving intentions misused and by the Corporate system, and the flower was crushed by their parasitic agenda.
The woman below does not look like a happy camper!
I recount to you this TRUTH because it is not just Pocahantos's story but many a star seed story of how the good and kindly intentions of our divine feminine nature have been co-opted to serve an agenda of greed and how vital it is to know the truth behind the lies so you can break the pattern of having your good intentions misdirected.
You can see how the corporate agenda for America has created a lot of Karma. It has stolen a beautiful land from the indigenous descendants of Atlantis and made it into the U.S.A …. a cooperation!
“In less than one hundred years, people have gone from living self-sufficiently off the land, to having the “elites” own everything on God’s Green Earth. Since the Act of 1871 Americans have not been living in a country but under the United States Corporation which is owned by international bankers and the aristocracy of Europe and Britain. This legal robbery has expanded to include every country, region, city, even street on OUR Earth. With this, the “elites” have dictated through their “zoning laws” how modern “man” should live. Urban sprawl has become the virus of our Planet as developers buy up pristine natural land and destroy the natural habitat, creating subdivisions, constructed of prompted up paper houses erected for “show and tell” lifestyles that cannot withstand the reoccurring geo engineered unnatural disasters aimed at “clearing the real-estate”. These homes must constantly be fed. They must be heated, cooled, insured and maintained. Money must be continuously earned to pay mortgages, interest, utility bills, property taxes, insurance, car payments, registrations, food and other “cost of living” expenses. People work nine to five or even twenty- four seven, just to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table! Many people are one pay check away from being homeless. Imagine, it’s easy if you try, how much the world would change if everyone owned off grid, self- sufficient homes and grew their own food.
It is up to WE THE PEOPLE to WAKE UP from the dream spell and take back OUR EARTH and STOP carrying out their dark agenda!”
The Infinite Human Elizabeth Monroy M.S. Peter Monroy M.D.
America has become a corporate culture with the Money/Technology God reigning supreme. In order to make America great again we would have to return to the Golden age of Atlantis. Edgar Cayce known as the sleeping prophet who diagnosed people in a hypnotic state would look at karmic repetitive patterns that were causing dis-ease and needed to be changed. When his diagnosis began to extend into past lives going all the way back to “pre-recorded history” Atlantis his followers began to be alarmed. I traveled to the A.R.E. Edgar Cayce Institute in person and bought the transcriptions of all his sessions involving Atlantis. There I learned that history repeats itself until we change the Karmic pattern both personally and socially. After I donated my book The Infinite Human to the Edgar Cayce Library, the Liberian told me that Edgar Cayce believed many of us have reincarnated from Atlantis to change these karmic patterns.
During the Golden Age of Atlantis we followed the Law of One which was based on unity consciousness, love, respect for our Mother Earth and all life. Our technology was an Krystal technology which worked in harmony with our own organic inner divine technology and the Divine Will of Infinite Source. We were of service others and to the ONENESS of all things.
Our fall began in Atlantis when many began to serve self and A.I. (Artificial Technology) hive mind over Infinite God Source. Class systems of slaves were created and Artificial Technology that served mankind’s will rather than the Divine Will was implemented. As the A.I. world grew people lost their connection to organic life, nature, their fellow humans, Infinite God Source and their own divine inner divinity. It became too easy to let their A.I. cells (phones) think for them, rather than develop their own intuitive connection to the Infinite.
Are you having a deja vu?
“ And in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men sank into the earth, and the island of A tlantis, in like manner, disappeared in the depths of the sea.” PLATO
As I traveled through my country of origin having been away for 5 years I gazed on with new eyes. I saw a people dependent on their cell phones for every aspect of their life. I saw the “controllers” quietly herding the masses into a world where people are completely controlled by an A.I. hive mind. Where A.I. voices tell you when to wake up, go to sleep, turn right or left and answers your every question. At first glance America “seems” like one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Most people have many things, even those considered to be poor have lots of "stuff" compared to other countries. Material comforts, large homes, big cars, attics and garages stuffed with junk. But I believe Americans to be one of the poorest people on Earth. Compared to most other countries Americans spend outrageous amounts of money on food (that isn't even real! Genetically modified garbage filled with all kinds of artificial ingredients that does not FEED your body but poisons it. I call it corporate food. The houses are made of toxic materials that blow away in the slightest storm, the cars burn up gas, and sky IS cloudy all day with toxic chem trails. Military installations of 5G towers are on every corner of the country and people are glued to their 5G cell phones ( destroying their own health) for every aspect of their lives! The highways are over run by massive semi truck because everything in the USA is owned by corporations and trucked from their warehouses! People eat and drink from plastic poisoning themselves and our mother earth. Basically Americans are paying for their own genocide! The American Corporate Culture gave birth to companies that produce Big Pharm, Toxic pesticides, GMOs and chemicals that poison our planet, with the incessant production of plastic, fossil fuel, and the list goes on! Americans have grown rich working for and investing in corporations that have exported all these woes to the rest of the world. The USA has been the breeding ground US. Military’s DARPA which created the internet and all the A.I. high technology now defining our modern world. Fast food chains filled with inedible food have replaced mom and pop’s places, corporate farming has bought out local farmers, wild life refuges have become parking lots and subdivisions. In my lifetime alone I have seen much of America become a toxic wasteland. And the American people have funded all this research and development with their time and money and Americans are now paying a price for all this corporate greed with outrageous inflation and a toxic environment which keeps them in a state of dis-ease. Most Americans have become so accustomed to being ill they just accept obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, hyper tension, depression, anxiety, aches and pains and a host others warning signs as part of life or the aging process! Most yourn people are over wrought with all kinds of menatl illnesses ranging from extreme anxiety to sucidial thoughts. When I left the states 5 years ago I was so ill I was declared legally disabled, hence Kiki my service dog. When I lived in Italy my health was restored! As soon as I arrived in the USA over two months ago my health was in such a crisis I almost died. It took a great deal of effort, money and time but I finally figured out how to navigate this toxic environment and I tell my journey in my videos on my YouTube channel. Please subscribe!
In my travels I have met some amazing souls: star seeds, wise women and awakening infinite human beings. I believe they have been planted here to BE THE CHANGE. They are the saving grace for a country that has been born out of corporate greed. My spiritual teacher who was a sergeant in the US military always said that is it is the men who screwed up this planet and it is going to be the women who get us out of this mess!
We have some amazing folks who embody this divine feminine energy and as we all begin to embrace our soul missions and come together we are co creating a new culture, and a new economy that is not based on greed and service to self but on the Law of One and service to others. We will not be the nieve pocahontas's that have been taken advantage of but the tough old broads that can navigate shark invested waters to get the job done!
It is time for women to use both their divine masculine and divine feminine to become Alchemists and transmute the money energy from feeding the anti-life death cult industries that spread pestilence, famine and death into what I call “Star Seed Enterprises” that help to restore the harmony and health of ourselves and our Mother Earth for future generations. It is time to reclaim the power of our hierogamic union within so we can protect our Earth as its Guardians. This must be done with a keen eye of discernment because Corporate American history has been based on scamming the good intentions of well meaning people into believing something is "for the good of mankind" when the opposite is true. Much of the GREEN movement (like the green pass up your ass as I called it) in Italy) is the opposite. So we Star seeds must learn to use our divine technology our organic microchip by opening our third eye, and surfing the Infinite not the inter NET for our informaton! We must use our infinite power and break the karmic patterns that are once again leading to our destruction. We must escape the time loop we have been repeating for millions upon millions of years...(yes you heard correctly!) We must not be like Pocahontas her allowed her loving intentions to be misused and found herself ripped from her twin soul, torn from her family and homeland and shipped off to a foreign country to serve a false narrative, a lie and die.
We must have the courage to free ourselves from a sick society whose cultural mores are based on anti life practices. MAnh of us come from "British" roots and have been indoctrinated to believe the indigenous people were ignorant savages, godless heathens when in truth they had the wsidom of how to live in harmony with our mother Earth. In only a few short centuries we have irradicaedd them and become a sick and dying race completely disconnected from our own bio rythymns and that of our mother Earth.We have no knowledge of how to sustain ourselves and how to communicate with the deva spirits that surround us.
It is time to break the spell, BE THE CHANGE, rub people the wrong way and not be "lady Like" walk bare foot through the rain! Run naked through the streets! I can't TELL you what to do but Divine Infinite Source will. The question is are you listening? and will you have the courage to act to be the change THY WILL NOT MINE!
This is why I wrote The Infinite Human and it is required reading for anyone who truly wants to make a positive impact on this Earth and free themselves from the 3D timelines of self destruction and embrace the radiant health, abundance and bliss only availible by anchroing yourself onto the 5D Earth which is here NOW!