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Happy KRYST-MAS!!!

Writer's picture: Elizabeth MonroyElizabeth Monroy

Updated: Dec 16, 2024

The Truth about the 3 Christs, Maria Sophia Magdalena & the Birth of your Inner Divine KRYST Child.

THE  3 CHRISTS: The truth is there existed 3 Christs. Jeshua Sandanda Melchizideck, or J12 was the true 12-stranded avatar. He was indeed a savior, but not in the way religion has distorted it. He did not die on the cross for our “sins” but restored our Mother Earth's template so we can NOW ascend. And yes there was a plan for Yeshua 12 to return at this time but because of his work and the work of all the Indigos who saved our  Earth’s template and our entire time matrix from going into full fall the KRYSTAL RIVER FAIL SAFE HOST was able to be activated in 2012. Hallelujah! So now Ascension is possible for ALL who choose! Now We are the Ascending KRYST or Christs assisting Mother Earth and Humanity in its Ascension! Halle-lu-jah! So when you listen to your favorite Christmas carols about angels on high and Mary and the birth of the Christ child know that they are all referring to YOU! And this is truly a time to rejoice for unto you a savior IS born and it is YOU my beloved Divine Infinite Angelic Human Beings!!!!


 (Jesus Actually in Greek means Hail Zeus) 

- The True name of JESUS  or Christ’s was Yesuah Sandanda Melchizedek  or J 12 HE WAS  THE REAL KRYST because he held 12 DNA strands)

  • The second Christ was Jeshuah 9 Who was of Annunaki design and WAS SUPPOSED TO HELP J12 BUT BETRAYED HIS MISSION (the 9D, mission to re-evolve the Anunnaki/Nephilim towards their 12 DNA strands)

  •  The 3rd  Christ was mentally manipulated though holographic inserts into believing he was The CHRIST and had to “sacrifice” himself ie get crucified. It was an Annunaki scheme to allow their false  Christ Jesuhua 9  to flee to the South of France with Marie Sophia Madeleine.The Twin Soul of Yeshua 12.

  • The Only Christ to ascend bodily was the True Kryst Yeshua 12 though the Arch of the Covenant in the Pyramid of Giza. 

  • Unfortunately, he had to leave behind his twin soul who incarnated with him but was married off to the wrong christ Jesuah 9 and her Sophiatic Gnosis along with her divine 12 strands of DNA was used to create the false royal Merovingians bloodlines and keep them alive through inverted blood sacrifices. These false royals have ruled this world for ages. They are the Illuminati Kings and Queens of Europe and the Presidents and captains of industry in America.  This is lineage between Mary Magdalene and Jesus 9 is the one mentioned in the Da Vinci Code. This was also an attempt to gain control of the holy gruels or star gates, specifically star gate 12.

  • When Jesuah 9 Fleed with Mary Sophia Magdenlena to the Cathar Krystic Community in the South of France where the 12th Star Gate resides. He tricked many of the Cathars (not all) as he had his wife into believing he was Yeshua 12 the true KRYST. So the impostor Jesus J9 stole Mary Magdalene from the real Jesus (Jesheua 12) to create hybrids with Jesheua's twin flame. 

  • Arihabi was a normal human who physically looked like J9  and was the one crucified in his place to divert attention to allow the J9 ( the Impersonator Jesus to escape to the south of France with his stolen Magdalena to serve as an Annunaki breeder.

  • There is however a true magi grail lineage that was created by Yehsua 12 and the Essenses.

  • We will be discussing this in more detail with Dave Emery on The Infinite Human Talks Show. Stay Attuned!



Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice: December 21, 2024

The Winter solstice is the darkest day of the year initiating our return to the light. This powerful portal can be used to transmute our own inner darkness and release what no longer serves us. When we fear our own darkness, we cut ourselves off from an essential source of our own personal power. Our shadow self can be one of the greatest catalysts for personal growth and transformation even our pathway to (inward) enLIGHTenment. By allowing ourselves to feel our emotions and experience our own darkness, the darkness itself becomes a Spiritual Womb into which our inner light can be reborn. Ritual acts give life meaning. They also honor and acknowledge the unseen web of Life that connects us all. When we honor our personal cycles and the seasons of the year— we are reminded of the ever-changing flow of life that we are connected to. In the safety and nurturing of your Divine  Sacred Circle, take time to honor and acknowledge the endings & new beginnings of your life in a ceremony to honor both your past and clear space for what you wish for the coming year. Perhaps you would like to make an offering that represents the past and give it to the Spirit of Fire by writing down the things you wish to release from your past and bring them to the completion of that learning cycle allowing you to download the higher frequencies coming in to fully support you in the manifestation of your dreams and visions in this powerful coming year. 

  • This Winter Solstice focus on becoming the embodiment of our Divine Eternal Mother whose presence has at long last returned. Set the intention to clear away past wounds, traumas, sorrows, fears, anger, and sexual and ancestral miasmas from ourselves and the collective as a result of living in the shadow of a dark masculine world. 

  • Restore the Divine Mother/ Divine Child Reunion to give birth to our own inner golden child and allow for a fuller embodiment of the LOVE of our Eternal Divine Mother and the Order of Love to return to our world. 

  • Realign the magnetic/ feminine distortions to our KRYSTALA Spiral of LIFE allowing us to restore the divine electrical/masculine within giving  birth to our inner Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. This will allow you to transcend the old timelines of the finite dark masculine world and reconnect at a deeper level to our Mother Earth assisting her and humanity in her ascension to a New Earth in the higher dimensions. Let this be a joyous occasion filled with silent reflection, deep meditation, profound activations, and intuitive movement.

The Birth of your Inner Divine Kryst of Christ Child 

Divine Eternal Mother and Your Inner Divine Christ Child

As you properly position yourself in this Kryst-mass energy this season embody the Divine Eternal Mother who has returned and reunite her with your inner divine Kryst child giving birth to the golden child, the inwardly lit "enlightened" you who will bring true light, and the order of love and righteousness to our world banishing the false light, electrical distortions of the dark masculine, false trinity and imposture tyrannical Father God, the Son and hungry Ghost forever! 

Let this divine restoration of the Magnetic Divine Feminine and the Electric Divine Masculine give birth to the New Earth.

The New Earth

Divine New Earth

In our recent travels from SICILY to the USA to MEXICO  Kiki and I have been delighted to see tiny sprouts of New Earth Communities emerging as safe havens and depots where people flock to recharge their batteries. pick up healing frequencies and commune with nature and their fellow LIGHTworkers. These are not mega centers or massive self-sustaining communities but simple places that may be easily dismissed by the 3Ders as quaint little restaurants or organic farms or even private homes but have no doubt they are holding the higher frequencies and a vital to the birth and co-creation of our new earth. Like tiny seedlings, they will one day grow into strong and sturdy oak trees and eventually massive forests with underground root systems that will sustain our earth’s ascension into the higher dimensions. Kudos to ALL who answer the call to begin these hub centers in whatever forms they are manifesting!

    The New Year 2025 

It goes without saying that 2025 will be a humdinger! Take the Winter Solstice portal to purge yourself of the last bit of lower frequencies NOW so you can hit the pavement running as the quickening of frequencies picks up to a nonstop pace! So much to do and so little time! Old Timelines collapsing New Organic Timelines emerging and New Worlds being birthed!

THIS IS THE TIME WHOSE COMING HAS BEEN FORETOLD! GET READY! You co-create your reality, your future! You and Infinite Source Alone! Let no one else program your future! You are blessed, worthy of all the good things in the UNI-verse and beautiful so BE-YOU-TO- THE- Ful! This Year Celebrate LIFE on the KRYSTALA Spiral of LIFE as you realign your life to Infinite Source and the Order of LOVE which brings us all into perfect ONENESS! 


*Od’ to the Black Sheep:

Od to the Black Sheep of the Family!

*This Yule Season if you have played the role of the black sheep of the Family Know you are the healor of your family! You may have the opportunity to reunite with your family. If it is not a toxic encounter take the invite and know that it is the black sheep who are now leading. Although no one in your family will ever admit it they are looking to you to guide them through these shifting times as their reality and all they know crumbles before their very eyes. Again they will never admit it but they are terrified because they can FEEL the change and know deep down you have been right about everything. So show up if it resonates for you to do so. Don’t try to preach or teach or change their mind-controlled programming that is not how true change occurs. Just hold the frequency of Truth and true LOVE and the ripples will infect their souls and they will carry away with them a seed that will be planted and grow throughout the new years to come! 

Joy to the world


*Helping you on your ascension journey!

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