The Infinite is just that—Infinite. It is all that is, ever has been, and ever shall be. There is no beginning. There is no ending. No Alpha, no Omega! It is everything and nothing. It exists beyond time and space, which is often difficult for our finite brains to imagine. Nonetheless, it is what it is, even if you cannot comprehend it. The Infinite is love, beauty, unity, harmony, and intelligence. It is the unified, harmonized energy of pure love and eternal light. It is the very building block of all creation. IT is ALL ONE.
On the other hand the “Finite” is like a piece of fruit plucked from the vine or the “Divine”. Because its disconnection to the Divine Vine of Life has been severed it begins to rot and decay. This collection of finite “dark” entities, fallen angelics have chosen to sever themselves from the “Di-vine”. As a result, they are the undead, decaying and rotting. Because they have chosen to live in the illusion that they are separate from Divine Infinite God Source they can no longer feed directly from Divine Source so in order to sustain their existence they must parasitically feed off of others. They must steal the energy, rob the life force, the light, even the souls of others. Because of their parasitic needs, they must enslave, control, manipulate, deceive, glamour, cheat, intimidate, and SCAM other souls into becoming their energy sources, their slaves, their followers, their conduits, their subjects, their A.I. robots, their food. They have no respect for God’s Natural Law, Cosmic Sovereign Law, the Law of ONE.
The Illusion of Time
Is created by alternating flash sequences that create mathematical patterns which translate into geometrical shapes that create the open infinite architecture that always leads back to infinite Source. This is the true organic divine hologram of our multiverse and this time vector. But our divine hologram was hacked into and we were encased in an artificial finite closed geometrical prison matrix of lower frequencies and flash sequences.But the good news is our entire multiverse is now going through a major RESET to align with Divine Infinite Source. We are now on the in breath of an auto-correcti that is pulling everything back into alignment with our true divine hologram and state of divine perfection.
So be sure you are RESETTING your life and holographic template to the Krystala Spiral that leads back to Infinite Source and not into a fallen black hole descending Fibonacci timeline! Free yourself from the old “Sacred” Geometrical patterns that have imprisoned you into an artificial time matrix.
So how does that translate into our daily lives?
For those who can truly surrender their will to THY will of the Divine Infinite Source, it may seem like a major SHIFT of Karmic tides a run of good “luck”. As the last become first and the first become last. It will be the day when at long last the "meek" (gentle hearted) will inherit the Earth!
Divine Feminine Reset on The Sacred Sicily Pilgrimage
This May found me and two other amazing women coming together to embody the Tripple Goddess to perform the Sacred Task of clearing the Way for the Divine Feminine to be embodied on our Earth NOW. This included not only deep inner ancestral miasma clearing of the MOTHER WOUND but also clearing the ley lines and divine template of our Mother Earth. Mother's Day found us on the Island of Mozia here in Sicily where Mother's had taken their firstborn and laid it at the feet of a statue of BAAL and sacrificed them. This was done on Sicily so the sacred trinity of creation the trinaga could spin out the imprint into all creation. We shifted that into the Krystala Spirial reset into The INFINITE! I told everyone if we do our job Mount Etna will blow her top! The day the woman left she did.
Things are changing so very fast! And in this time of great change the meek or gentle-hearted are being giving the chance to inherit the World! What seemed real yesterday maybe be gone tomorrow! Institutions that were part of the death cult built on the G.O.A.T. (God of all things) principals of greed, materialism and service to self are crumbling giving way to new STAR SEED ENTERPRISES that are of service to others, respect our Mother Earth, are in alignment with Infinite Source and honor The Law of ONE or the Oneness of all.
Those who can utilize this powerful portal to reset everything including their carbon-based body’s to the Infinite Krystala Divine Template reconnecting their divine 12 strand DNA sequence and becoming Infinite Human Beings will become the first wave of New Infinite Earth Founders. They will be supported by Infinite Source to begin their highest Soul Mission.
It is time rely 100% on your intuition not to be confused with your "INTO WISHING" as you navigate the rapidly shifting financial , political, economic, and social structures of our rapidly changing planet. Choose wisely where you want to “invest” your time your money, your energy?
Choose wisely:
The people with whom you spend your time.
The companies you work for.
Where you invest your money.
What kind of food you are investing in to feed your body?
What spiritual practices or belief systems are you supporting in your daily life?
If you aligning your own personal geometry to the Infinite or finite fallen geometric patterns.
If you are staying in the familiar because it is safe or you have become aa Queen of the fallen spiritual realms afraid to start over, be humble, and admit that you know nothing. Or do you want to maintain your expert status in a fallen system?
To those who reset to the Infinite their future will seem like they are gliding on a magic carpet while those who refuse or resist will find themselves in Quick Sand as the QUICKENING rapidly shifts their illusionary reality.
New Paradigms
Enterprises founded from a place of Love and Service to others that embrace this reset to Infinite will experience a quantum leap as they sail on the wings of spirit offering products and services that people have been hungry for. Products in alignment with the open infinite architecture that feed the body, mind and soul and heal our Mother Earth and all creation, that function under The Law of ONE and are born from each individual's passion to share their unique gifts and talents!
1. To create products, publications, pilgrimages, produce conscious media, promote educational experiences, events, practices, and found communities that teach and practice The Law of One which is the comprehension that all things are made of the divine consciousness of intelligent energy and are a part of the All-One of Creation. All-One is the recognition that there exists an Eternal Truth and Eternal Love which is the organic consciousness of Infinite God Source. The Law of One contains the Divine Infinite Sciences which explains the mechanics of Ascension that comprise the Natural Laws that govern Universal Creation.
2. Financial Goals:
To serve as Guardians of our Mother Earth by restoring her natural balance and living in harmony with nature to “make her green again” as it has been prophesied by the Hopi who foresaw a race of rainbow warriors restoring the natural balance to our Mother Earth. This will be done by co-creating eco-villages where people can come to learn and practice the ancient principles of The Law of ONE and how to live in harmony and serve nature as well as how to be self-sufficient.
These communities will also house healing centers for bio-regenesis or restoration of our divine template as well as Universities that will teach the true history of the Cosmos, the Divine Infinite Sciences, Ascension Mechanics, the Law of One and the principles outlined in: The Pathway Home: A Guide to Divine Inner Healing
and The Infinite Human, an Ascension Guide for Star Seeds, Twin Souls and the Co- Creators of the New Infinite 5D Earth written by the founders' Peter Monroy M.D. and Elizabeth Monroy M.S.
They will also serve as Schools for Visionaries of the New Consciousness Renaissance to explore within and learn identify and express their unique gifts and talents in collaborative creative projects.
3. These communities will be located at different locations around the world and serve as centers where people can live, visit, study, teach, exchange ideas, intern, work-exchange and connect with other Co-creators of the New infinite 5D Earth.
4. The Infinite Human Foundation will also co- create events, pilgrimages, courses, workshops etc around the planet both by Land and Sea where these principles can be taught.
The Purpose for Our Mission:
Our intention is to create a solid foundation for The New Earth to be built upon based on The Law of ONE practices and principles that will serve to restore love, unity, harmony and health to our Mother Earth, humanity and all Creation.
And so it shall be.
Phase One:
1. Purchase land in pristine high-energy healing vortexes in different locations around the planet.
2. Restore the Land and make it fertile and self-sustaining, each property will have different needs and we will listen to the spirits of the land to support it in serving its highest purpose.
3. Create infrastructures of ecological structures in harmony with the land where people can live, learn, teach, share, meditate, heal, and come together in celebration of the Law of ONE.
4. There will be anchor homes for people who want to invest and be part of the community as well as vacation lodging for pilgrims, interns and students who come for retreats, events or work-study programs
5. Ideally we will be off-grid and be self-sufficient growing our own food, having our own water source and generating our own power serving as a model for communities of the Future.
Educational Goals:
The Infinite Human Foundation will produce films and videos as well as publish intellectual materials that educate, inform and entertain the Law of ONE principles and Divine Infinite Sciences.
Classes, Courses, Workshops, Retreats, Internships. Pilgrimages, Events, etc will be offered to serve as a foundation to share these teachings and practices.
Study Abroad programs and branches of the Infinite Human School for Visionaries of the New Consciousness Renaissance will be created. These will be places founded on the Law of One Principals where students can learn about themselves, and their unique gifts and talents and co-create their unique visions with others.
Esoteric Pilgrimages to ancient sites to work with ley lines, grids and our Earth’s template to correct the fallen history and A.I. timelines will be offered from time to time in various locations around the Planet.
Infinite Human Productions will be producing Conscious Media along the lines of but not limited to Films and educational videos as well as online pilgrimages and workshops as well as The Infinite Human Talk Show who’s focus is to bring together evolving Infinite Humans the Founders of the New Infinite Earth to have enlightening conversations about various topics and will be open to the general public to listen to and ask questions. There will be Study Abroad Programs & Internships where students can write, direct and produce their own creative-conscious films and documentaries that illustrate activities and events at the eco-communities that celebrate of LIFE, LOVE and the Law of ONE UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS and each individual's unique way of expressing that.
*Elizabeth Monroy works with her twin Soul who is no longer in the physical but very much a part of The Infinite Human Foundation.
Elizabeth Monroy is an International Author, Film Director, Producer, Visionary Artist and Talk Show Host. Her genres include Children’s books such as The Magical Mist, which empowers children’s creativity, Romance Novels like, The Chronicles of MerWorld, about the rise and fall of The Divine Feminine and Sacred Sexual Alchemy and her latest book is The Infinite Human, an Ascension Guide for Awakening Infinite Human Beings, Star Seeds, Twin Souls, and the Co-creators of the Infinite New 5D Earth. She holds a Masters of Science in Mental Health Counseling and combines her Intuitive abilities to be of service to our Earth and humanity during our current Ascension Cycle, or the RESET TO THE INFINITE, as she calls it.
She has over thirty years of experience, working with her husband, a physician, traveling around the planet, laying a foundation for a higher modality of co-healing incorporating the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual natures of the human. Together they wrote the book The Pathway Home, a Guide for Divine Inner Healing to help the emerging New Co-Healers of our planet. Elizabeth has based her Ascension “Guidance” on this foundation and uses her intuitive gifts to empower individuals to trust their own inner voice and go to Infinite Source to heal and reset all areas of their lives as Infinite Humans Beings.
She has worked within the educational system for years and frustrated by the lack of creativity and independent thought, moved to Florence, Italy where she founded The Infinite Human School for Visionaries of The New Consciousness Renaissance . Her book The Infinite Human is about her own spiritual journey back to Infinite God Source while addressing current world events, and offering full disclosure to help humanity with the choices they are now facing. She views the current global events as a wake-up call to the Heroine within us all to remember what powerful Infinite human beings we all are and to use our power to navigate beyond our current Finite Broken Earth Systems, embracing our Unique Soul Missions as Infinite Human Beings to Co-create a New Infinite Earth. She lives part of the year in Sicily in her Villa overlooking the Mediterranean Sea with Kiki, her Pomeranian dog, where she offers Infinite Human Courses, Esoteric Tours and Retreats and time travels to the USA, and Mexico where she is busy setting up New Earth Eco- Communities with Kiki, and Peter, who is always with her in spirit!