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Writer's pictureElizabeth Monroy



This is the TIME you have been waiting for!! All of your lifetimes have been leading up to this very moment and to this Spring Equinox Portal of 2023! In numerology 2023 equals 5 which means a year of great CHANGE! It is time to shift gears and shift timelines! You who are awakening to the TRUTH behind the lies, expanding your consciousness, standing up for what is right, you who have been the underdog, who have lost the good fights, you who have been the black sheep, the ugly duckling, the “different” face in the crowd: YOUR TIME HAS AT LONG LAST COME!!! Take the upgrade! Carpe Diem! The multiverse is cheering you on! It is time for you to manifest your dreams, live your passions and BE WHO YOU TRULY ARE INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS IN HUMAN FORM! BE THE CHANGE THE WORLD HAS BEEN WAITING FOR!


We have been in prisoned in a matrix of artificial time! Like the movie Ground Hog Day every time we were about to free ourselves by ascending into our true organic timelines we were slapped back down and forced to repeat yet another galactic year. Earth has been in an AI time loop repeating the same (HIS) STORY for eons upon eons, millions upon millions of years! Hence the Deja Vu experience or glitches in the matrix where we momentarily become aware of our artificial time loop confinement are “moments” to make the shift out of the loop and choose the higher timeline BY ESCAPING THE MATRIX AND REMEMBERING WHO YOU TRULY ARE...INFINITE!

The good news is that the mechanisms that have been holding us in prison have been dismantled! VICTORY IS OURS! We are entering a most amazing time in history where time is literally correcting itself. The AI timelines are collapsing moment by moment and The World is Awakening! But it is up to you make your own shift internally and FREE yourself! Stop identifying with the finite labels of the mind control systems!




Many of you may be experiencing bizarre and surreal moments specifically around time. You may not be able to remember what time of day, month or year it is. Time may seem to slow down or speed up as you literally flip in and out of timelines processing, integrating, alchemizing, and clearing out the AI timelines. Eons of karmic patterns and ancestral miasma are fizzling out in seconds as you go about your daily life and stop identifying with your finite self. As you change the patterns the artificial timelines are giving way to your true destiny, and your true Infinite Self is emerging! This is a TIME to move intuitively through your daily life making course corrections as you FEEL the need. Planning your “daily events” or keeping a calendar may become a joke as reality as you know it makes a quantum shift right before your eyes. Become AWARE of the signs, symbols, triggers, and initiations presented to you so you can MAKE THE SHIFT. People who could not previously see or hear you may begin to grasp the truth that has been staring them in the face! Accept new opportunities that come your way. Change your daily routine, go to that party, create that event, accept that invitation, make that trip, and accept the upgrade! Stop living in the confines of the 3D FINITE WORLD! The Universe is calling on you to rise to the ABOVE IT and BE the Infinite Human you were created to BE!

How to Best Utilize This Amazing unprecedented TIME we have entered?

Last night I was invited to a SPRING EQUINOX celebration in the town of Scopello, Sicily where I live. It was an ancient ritual initially pagan then confiscated by the Catholic Church. As we gathered around a huge bonfire in the center of the piazza people threw dry brush into the fire, I think I even saw a chair! The Fire Deva Spirits consumed everything in its path! For me, it was an extremely powerful alchemical experience, where I mentally purged myself of all the fears that came from my identification with my finite self, the part of me that has been holding me back. It was like the olden days of witch burning but instead of being burnt alive, I transmuted the experience by clearing out the drowse of my carbon-based body so higher ascension frequencies could flow with ease through my diamond-based light body. It was amazing and I felt purified. The element of fire is about purification and change. I suggest you take this Spring Equinox to purge and purify yourself releasing all the fears and limitations that are still binding you to the AI 3D timelines. This will enable you to:


Live your passion and your dreams. You have so much to GIVE to the World. You have been locked down in your own cocoon doing much needed internal work but now the TIME has come little Butterfly to break FREE, spread your wings and FLY! Get out into the world, rub shoulders with others, and bring your light, your joy, your enthusiasm into a world that has been ravaged by a death cult. LIVE which is the antidote for EVIL (spelled backwards)! This is how you can BE THE CHANGE that people so desperately need. You will touch so many souls and be successful in everything you do because THE WORLD HAS BEEN WAITING FOR YOU!!!


It is time to shed the cocoon and leave all your fears behind. You need not worry about failure or being slapped down again. Break free of your mind control, and lift the black magic money curse that makes you believe you are powerless and unworthy! This time HISTORY IS NOT REPEATING ITSELF! You are FREE to rewrite his-tory into your STORY!!! Move out of your comfort zone! The Universe has your back! Take that LEAP OF FAITH. You will not fall but FLY!!! Those who heed the call will become the leaders, the foundation of The New 5D Earth.



For it is the Divine Feminine Energy that will give birth to the New Earth.

Born from years of working with the Art and Alchemical energies of Italy I have been called to create a sacred space for spiritually mature women who feel “called” to come to Sicily and work with the energetic vortices, ley lines, elementals of the Deva Kingdom, and the power of nature for deep inner healing and Light Body activations and initiations of our and silicon-based diamond DNA on our Alchemical Healing Pilgrimage of Transmutation through Sacred Sicily! We will be working with the powerful Trinacria, Tri wave energy of the Triskelion, the ancient symbol of Sicily clearing out the traumas of past lives, the ancestral miasma of the mother wound and healing the divine inner child to move into the inner sacred hierogamic union which will help you ascend beyond the confines of duality into the higher frequencies of love, unity consciousness, and true power. We will be transmuting the dark side of ancestral miasma, lunar harnesses and the mother wound into the light of higher vibrational Frequencies, freeing our cosmic heart and empowering our divine feminine to experience more profound love for ourselves and others. We will be acting as the vanguard clearing the old energies that have kept the Divine Feminine within us all trapped.

Those who come will be given the opportunity to gain a clearer understanding of who you are, your soul mission, and how you are the author holding the pen that is writing your life story. You will be given the tools to help you better understand the past and utilize this amazing time period we have now entered so you can rewrite your story to connect to your optimal future self as an infinite human co-creating a New Infinite Earth!

We will bath in the Natural Hot Springs filled with Clinoptilolite Zeolite and sulfur key alchemical elements in releasing toxins and transmuting all our four natures. We will visit Ancient Sacred Sites, absorbing the divine 5D frequencies of love and learning to work with the elemental Nature Spirits and Crystalline structures for ascension. We will work with knowledge from the Ancient Atlantean Mystery Schools of the Golden Age of Atlantis to free the power of our Divine Feminine from the past in order to do our work in co-creating the new earth.


May 14-21, 2023

Price: 1, 500 euro

This includes lodging, all workshops, events, transportation, attractions, and most meals (except when you have free time to wander on your own) Lodging is shared, but if you would like a private room you can book one for an additional charge This is a very intimate and personal experience created in the sacred space of unconditional love and you are invited to move at your own pace. I have worked to create the best experience for you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually! You who are “called” to come are family and I feel we will find we all have a deep connection that has spammed many lifetimes. Our “TIME” together promises to be life-changing not only for those who participate onsite but for the entire planet. We will be doing work that will actually change the course of his-tory!

If you want to be on the list put email me ASAP:

Out with the Old in with the New!


Those who plant seeds of trees knowing they will never enjoy their shade are wise souls of service to others

Those who install the 5G “trees" are ….I ’ll let you fill in the blank.


Upon the death of my mother I was recalled to my old Kentucky Home in the good ol’ US of A. It was a sad occasion losing my mother but the grief was compounded by the death of my country. I spent the next six months traveling around America trying to recover that joy and innocence I had known as a child. I traveled the highways and byways to Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida in search of what was once good and pure. I experienced racism by disgruntled employees who hated their jobs.I was greeted at hotels and stores by people behind plate glass who barely spoke English. Rather than looking into the eyes the windows of the souls I was directed to computer screens for all my interactions. When I waited in lines or was in public places I gazed out over at a sea of faces stooped over their black mirrors under the hypnotic spell of Artificial intelligence. I paid outrageous prices for artificial food trucked across this great land and even had to operate a computer at a truck stop to get a cup of coffee. It became very apparent to me that here in much of the U.S.A. the humans were no longer in control of their reality but A.I. artificial intelligence herded us, humans, around. I saw the dark cloud of living in the death cult of Artificial life suck all the creativity and life force away from my fellow human beings as they robotically went about their lives angry, sad, depressed and lifeless all the while oblivious to the trees being felled around them and the new 5G trees taking their place. I saw young people suffering from anxiety, depression and suicidal tendencies all because they were sensitive to the world that was being constructed around them and every cell in their body was screaming NO! This was their silent way of (expressing) their desire to NOT be absorbed into the New World AI Order. I saw my Kiki become very ill as we travel through the forest of 5G trees and moved among its people in their concrete jungles where nature had become an inconvenience and the skies were cloudy all day (with chemtrails.) Children and animals feel these things. They may not be able to voice their opinions but these sensitive souls are the first to become dis-eased. The old people too were dropping like flies. Many because they have lost the heart to live in the world that was being created around them. I recall that last conversation I had with my Aunt. I told her about how terribly wrong I found things upon returning to the USA. She smiled and said, “I’m ninety-three.” She died shortly after that.

Yes, but What our WE THE PEOPLE DOING ABOUT IT??? What kind of trees are we planting for future generations??? We the Wise Older Women, the Star Seeds, the Light Workers, the Awakening Ones? What kind of seeds are we planting, for future generations ??? This is what we came here to do for all those many many eons ago! It is our time to take back our planet and BE THE CHANGE!!!

When I first arrived I stood in line with an older woman of my age and said everything I wrote above to her. She turned to me and said, “what are you doing about it” I responded by saying, “I just published a book called The Infinite Human that I have been working on for over thirty years which explains the truth behind all of the lies and how our planet got this way. The final chapter is the solution. I am now setting off on a book tour across America to tell everyone who will listen what is really going on and to inspire them to BE THE CHANGE to be part of the “soul”ution.” I turned to her and asked,”What are you doing?” She had no answer and looked at me a bit offended that I should ask such a thing.I smiled as she turned away.

Unfortunately, my initial enthusiasm was doused when I found that so much of the Spiritual Expos I participate in were overrun by Spiridual Consumerism. People looking for a quick fix for their dis-eased state and vendors looking to sell it to them. They paid outrageous amounts of money for the latest health gadget to survive in the ever-growing toxic environments from the shade of the 5G trees. I too found myself spending huge amounts of money just to be able to function enough to do my job which was to inspire people to BE THE CHANGE!


What is we could return to THE LAW OF ONE and a ONENESS with All THINGS. To be one with nature the Nave are depicted is the latest film Avatar? To live in harmony with nature in small agrarian communities under the shade of real trees rather than 5G masts, respecting all life and letting the spirits of the trees, the land, the jungles, the forests, the rocks, the animals guides us? What if we lived like the Pre-fall Ancient Mayans who allowed the cosmos to tell them where, when and what to build, to plant, to plow, to reap? What if children in these communities could be schooled by their parents having their creativity, imagination empowered and their unique gifts and talents nourished? What if each community had sacred areas where everyone could come together in celebration creating events that celebrated our connection to the Cosmos and our Mother Earth love Infinite God Source within us all? What is we shared our unique stories with song and dance? What if there was intergalactic commerce and an exchange ideas and objects? What if our work was a cooperative form a play where everyone passionately co created a common vision together each doing important tasks unique to them that utilized their unique gifts and talents? What if we empower and nourished one another’s “divine” technology so as the ascension frequencies elevated on Earth WE THE PEOPLE would spend less time inside the “NET” relying on Artificial Technology and more on embodying our own God Given abilities as divine infinite multidimensional beings! What is these communities became teaching and learning centers? Infinite Human YOU-N-multiversities where people could learn about themselves and their role in creation?Visionary Artist could come together to co-create projects in art, music, film.Visionary Architects could learn how to communicate with the deva spirits and elements of the land and co create sacred living spaces in harmony with nature .What if a New Consciousness Renaissance based on working in harmony with the Law of One and Divine Technology sweep the land allowing for Infinite Creation and expression restoring balance, harmony, beauty and unity consciousness to our world?

As Earth ascends in frequencies these self sustaining 5D communities of LIFE will thrive and flourish as they reconnect to their true organic timeline and return back to the future. While everything that was connected to the lower frequencies of the 5G artificial Hive minded NET based on Artificial Intelligence of the death cult will dissolve into the higher ascension energies that our sun and the photon belt are emitting.


Believe me I know this is not easy. We the human race have been dumbed down, genetically modified, disconnected from the God Source Worlds and our true star families! We have been mind controlled to believe we are sinful, lustful, shameful “children” of God all the while praying to fallen angels who have ripped off our wings and convinced us to deny our true divine angelic nature.

Sure it seems hard to realize how truly be- you-to- the- full you are! How divine you truly are! How Go(o)d you truly are! How worthy you are! How Powerful you are!

And if you haven’t heard these worlds enough I suggest you read or re read The Infinite Human which is a moving meditative journey to remind you of your inner power.

The time has come for us to reclaim our birthright and return to the Law of One Coming together in celebration, harmony, unity consciousness and love under the shade of real Trees.

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