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This Year’s Lion’s Gate Passes through Two Super Moons

Writer's picture: Elizabeth MonroyElizabeth Monroy

Updated: Aug 1, 2023

Transmuting the Inner Moon Goddess


ONCE UPON A TIME our Mother Earth was covered with Temples to the Mother God Aspect of Infinite Source. This powerful divine feminine energy brought harmony and balance uniting the ONENESS of All THINGS with her cosmic glue of LOVE. But as dark forces conquered our Earth, they all but destroyed all architecture and artifacts attesting to this golden age. Patriarchal Churches were erected over these sacred spots and the divine feminine was exiled from her lead position in all cultures into the dark shadowy recesses of a lunar deity, forced to orbit around the masculine as the mere reflection of the solar male with no inner light of her own. But the Feminine’s power has always been in her softness and adaptability. So like water she began to flow and move with her newly found power learning that she may no longer be the matriarchal head of the family but she could be the neck that showed the head which way to look. Thus the female has survived HIS-tory by becoming the moon goddess, the seductress, the temptress, the master manipulator, the hand that rocks the cradle. She learned how to manipulate the men in power with her quiet whispers. Like Lady Macbeth, many women longed for the power they had been denied.

But many became content to provide loving homes and supportive environments for their husbands and children. Over the eons women have been conditioned to believe that their place is on the sidelines and their influences on worldly matters is limited to the men in their lives and that their voices must always be soft spoken gentle and loving. Throughout our, HIS tory those women who dared to step out of the “desired” feminine Pygmalion conception suffered the fate of becoming old maids, shunned by society or worse ,stoned, burned, boiled, drown, hung, raped or an assortment of all the above. It slowly seeped into our psyche as ancestral miasma perhaps to the point of us embracing our roles as mere lunar reflections of the solar males.


This Month of August holds not only the Lions’ Gate a powerful Gateway aligning us with Sirius and our divine blue flame feline founder races, but it also contains two Super Moons at the beginning of the Month and a Blue Moon at the end. May I encourage you to use this powerful gateway to access the Lion’s Gate Courage to transmute your lunar Goddess Image? Transmutation occurs when one examines the dark aspect of that which needs to be alchemized. Perhaps you can look at your life story and see where you are still wearing the lunar harness?:

  1. Perhaps you are still not openly and freely expressing your true femininity., sexuality and yes even your masculinity?

  2. Perhaps you are still laden with sexual misery implants and mind programs?

  3. Perhaps your fear of persecution, alienation and retaliation from others, or society at large is keeping you hemmed up too fearful to break free from the porcelain image of what you think you are suppose to look, think and act like as a woman?

  4. Perhaps your self-worth is based on what you do for others and the idea of doing for yourself is too threatening?

  5. Perhaps you are frightened to leave the comfort of home and move into the masculine-dominated world being your authentic self and owning your intuitive powers?

I am sure if you take the time to contemplate, meditate and examine your life you will find all the areas that can be transmuted. You do this by accepting these parts of you and loving them back into the wholeness of your being. Of course, you feel this way you have been traumatized and mind-controlled for eons to be this way. You would be lying to yourself if you didn’t experience at least some of these feelings!

You may also examine the aspects of the Moon that you cherish. After all the Moon has been our only source of femininity for eons. It has held magic, ritual, and sacred feminine activities. We have become masters at working from the shadows because we had to. What are the good aspects of this that we would like to merge into our Solar Kristos identities? Nothing is ever lost only transmuted into a more heirogamic, whole or holy version of yourself.

I too am being called to release many of my fears and reclaim my inner Strength Card of COURAGE


The Infinite Human Talk Show

The is emerging on the face of the Earth a new Human and infinite Human and that human is you! Join Elizabeth Monroy weekly for discussion, activations, meditations and visualizations with other blossoming infinite human beings who are breaking down the old paradigms of our broken finite corrupted Earth and alchemizing our reality into the higher dimensions by reclaiming their true divine infinite beingness as co creators of the new infinite Earth. We will be discussing topics that help individuals to evolve physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially and socially shedding the old finite Earth paradigms and belief systems. We will be interviewing guests, having expansive conversations aimed at creating an inner consciousness renaissance so people can find their own soul- utions to many problems our world is NOW facing and BE THE CHANGE, step by step by seeing, being and living life from the higher perspective of knowing WE ARE ALL ONE. We will also be creating opportunities for the Infinite New Earth Co-creators to co- create eco communites and come connect with one another. I have signed a contract with Voice America to do a year long weekly radio show LIVE Mondays at 12 noon EST 6 P.M. Rome Time.

If you feel called to be part of this in any way please email me at

I would like to do a show with a panel of those who have read The Infinite Human or are familiar with "Krystic" principals. So if you would be like to be part of that please reach out to me. OR just anyone who is excited about this idea and feels like they want to be part of it in some creative way!


I will be conducting a small intimate trip to the Island of Malta during the Fall Equinox. We will re-awaken the Goddess within!

Transmuting the Moon Goddess Energy into the Divine Hero gamic Union within. We will also be working with the reclamation and restoration of the true Templar Guardians and a few more interesting things! If this resonants and you would like to know more please send me an email and I will add your name to the list and send you more details as the journey unfolds!

THE INFINITE HUMAN by Elizabeth Monroy M.S. & Peter Monroy M.D.

The infinite human is an amazing book! My awakening started happening when the plandemic started and I think this book is extremely helpful in explaining exactly what we are going through in this very important time in history and also put it in to context using real life situations. If someone is looking for a better understanding of who we are, what we are, and why we are, as well as how we got to where we are now, this is a great introduction. I got this book for everyone in my family for the holidays!

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