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This brings us to date with all that has happened during and after the the PLAN Demic. 




This book was life-changing and a


Number #1 book for awakening souls. This book gathered all the pieces of the puzzle ranging from galactic history to empowering knowledge about our true infinite selves.

Ireland Clark


If you are just now awakening spiritually, or have been on the path for a long time or something in-between, this little gem of a book has something relevant for everyone at every level of their awakening consciousness!



 Thank you for writing this book, I love it and i wish I had read this many many years ago!



Love your chapter on what is God.Every word you have written makes so much sense to me now . It’s so true!

Carol Stringer


Whilst reading Elizabeth's book you will be lifted into a world where only truths exist. Knowledge from behind the narrative we live in daily. Knowledge about our bodies, our minds, our souls, our past and our future, woven together with the story of Elizabeth's life. I can highly recommend reading Elizabeth's book " The Infinite Human”.

Anita Jenson


There is emerging on the face of the Earth a New Human, an Infinite Human and that Human is YOU!” Thirty years ago I wrote these words not fully understanding how deeply they relate to current world events and the consciousness wars our planet is NOW experiencing. This book offers FULL DISCLOSURE of the truth behind the lies that have been hidden in plain sight while taking you on an amazing spiritual journey around our planet and into the higher dimensions of Esoteric Knowledge, Supernatural Phenomenon, and Cosmic Disclosure. This is not just my story,  but the story of my TWIN SOUL, a physician and how we tried to change the course of modern medicine. This is a Love Story, a Hero’s Journey, an Alchemist's Memoir of twin souls who managed to navigate through the world of illusion, heal their past wounds and create an Eternal Love that survived even death! But above all, STAR SEEDS this is your story of the TRUE Liberation that only comes from Awakening from the Dream Spell and ORGANIC ASCENSION, to become the Master Builders of the Infinite New 5D EARTH! Because YOU ARE INFINITE! ALL THAT IS, EVER HAS BEEN AND EVER SHALL BE!!




Elizabeth Monroy serves as a Truth-sayer and Ascension Guide for Awakening Humans, Star Seeds, Twin Souls, and the Co-creators of the Infinite New 5D Earth. She is an International Author, Film Maker, Visionary Artist, Talk Show Host and Inspirational Speaker. She holds a Master’s in Mental Health Counseling and is skilled in a number of alternative healing modalities. She traveled the World with her husband Peter Monroy, a board certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist laying a foundation for a higher form of co-healing and the energetic blueprint for the Infinite 5D Earth. She has worked for years as an intuitive life coach and founded The New Consciousness Renaissance School in Florence, Italy for the creation of conscious media. She now travels between Italy and the USA, with Kiki, and Peter, who is always with her in spirit, offering Infinite Human Retreats and guiding her fellow star seeds in their Ascension process and the co-creation a the Infinite New 5D Earth.




If you are just now awakening spiritually, or have been on the path for a long time or something in-between, this little gem of a book has something relevant for everyone at every level of their awakening consciousness. From newly awakening to star seeds to souls who have been awake a long time, everyone will gain some nuggets from this book.

How do we align with God source? How do we even know we are connected to this beautiful energy? This book gives you some very good clues and outlines steps to make that happen for you. You do not need to have a Guru, teacher, priest, preacher, shaman or any other intermediary guide you in today’s energetic vibrations. Nor do you need to use plant medicines, hallucinogenic, or any mind-altering substances. You can attain direct flow from the universe without any of those things. This book will help you know and understand how to do this with specific steps.

Elizabeth, the author, takes you on a journey with her life’s mission and path and the events that shaped her life, from her deep love and personal relationship with her husband Peter, and the ups and downs with having a deep love to her twin flame to where she is at today – over 30 years of a truly heartfelt journey about awakening on this planet.

The author covers some topics that are not typically covered in other “awakening” communities, and there are some hard truths to uncover about what and who is/are running this planet, and these truths will cross your path. Truths about spiritual teachers, truths about the false ascension matrix, and truths about the current planetary situation that started in 2020, to name a few. She relates to how this has happened in the past we just do not remember it.

I also really like that she outlines specifically things you can do, starting from the time you read the book to work on your personal ascension and get in alignment with God source and the Christos mission. She also rightly talks about how you can recognize and avoid traps and pitfalls that are designed to keep you “thinking” you are on the ascension path, yet really are not. It is possible to be stuck in a “love and bliss” consciousness trap and not develop and grow spiritually and she outlines how to recognize this.

For me, reading this book has helped broaden my perspective and continue to “wake up” even more! I thought I was awake, as I have been on this path for over 40 years and have really been waking up even more over the last two years. There is so much more to learn and more and more is being revealed every day. Assimilating and digesting and realizing what has been happening for a very long time is challenging and it is fantastic this book is out here to guide us. I heartily recommend this book!

We all are in an ascension matrix, like it or not! It is a physical reality. This book will help anyone who has the desire to know the truth and to do the deep personal work needed to live in this reality and thrive. Again, I heartily recommend it and am on my second read right now.





 Thank you for writing this book, I love it and i wish I had read this many many years ago, I think that for starseeds looking for the truth, this book can save a lot of time searching for the right path because it resonates so much with who we are as a collective but also as individuals, there is only one truth and that is God's Eternal Light, the Christ Counsciousness. I did love to learn more about your personnal experience, I think that in a near future your book is going to be very helpful for many persons who are lost or searching to find who they really are and how the false matrix is deception and the whole agenda behind it. I bought a second copy for a friend, I will let you know her reaction to your book. Thank You for your Service , for your honesty, and love that transpires through your book, I wish you all the best for the many days to come, this message is of great importance for the ascension cycle, thank you, GSF Blessings, love Myriam x



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